Betty Bethards Speaks on Dreams
One of Betty's most popular topics is Dreams. In "The Dream Book", Betty explains the meaning of 1,650 dream symbols and how to remember and use dreams for inspiration and guidance in your daily life.

Question: Betty why are dreams important in our daily lives? How can they help us?
Betty: We are spending 10 days out of every month in the dream state; That is a third of our lives. If you are not using dreams as your free tool you are losing out on all that help. It's our hotline to God and it's the easiest way in the world to get your own answers and see how you are blocking yourself and where you are going off in wrong directions. They are so simple to learn. In "The Dream Book" I show 1,650 dream symbols and as you work with it, understanding your dreams becomes a snap!

The purpose of the Inner Light Foundation is to teach the meditation and to get people working with their dreams and doing affirmations and visualization work for total health; body, mind and spirit. Your dreams give you insight into what you are doing. You don't take them literally, they are all symbols. So, It's just the greatest free tool, because you can't color your dreams. In our waking state we are deaf and blind; we are not seeing and we are not hearing how we set ourselves up. So, the dreams come through, and everybody in the dream is us and as you begin to see that, it all makes sense.

Q: Does everyone dream? Why is it that more people can't get a recall on their dreams?
Betty: Everyone dreams, and everyone can recall their dreams if they tell their mind that they want to. Unless you have a nightmare, something that scares you to death; then you will remember it! Tell yourself you want to remember your dreams and you will. Your mind does what it's told to do. Write your dreams down. It just takes practice like anything else.

Some people sleep too heavily, but we can usually catch a dream in a nap time or in a motel room in a strange bed. When we sleep lightly we are more apt to get a recall from it.

Q: How can we all learn to recall our dreams?
Betty: It's as simple as just sitting down and saying "I will have a dream, I will wake up and write the dream down, I will remember it."
Tell your mind. Your mind will do whatever you tell it, So tell your mind what you want and you are going to get it.

I don't like to be awakened by the alarm clock, it's too big a jolt coming back into the body. So I will say "wake me up two minutes before the alarm." You can set your clock by it! (laughter) I wake up two minutes before exactly.

Q: Betty, what are the most common dreams symbols?
Betty: I think everyone has a dream at one time or another of being chased, and we are running away from something. That's telling us we are running away from some fear that we don't want to look at or deal with. The dream is saying "turn around, look at it, resolve it!" Now, when you start running in slow motion, or you can't run at all, it's like you're in cement, God is saying "you WILL look at this NOW!" (laughter) Like Now! Another common dream symbol is teeth falling out; it means we are not verbalizing what we are really feeling, what's really going on inside.

Snakes in a dream are very scary to people, but the snake is the symbols of the Kundalini, or the Life Force; God within Man. Look at the AMA symbol, it has two serpents entwined on it; for true healing to take place you've got to have mind, body, and spirit. You've got to have that energy up! So, when you are having a dream with a snake, your spiritual and creative energies are really coming into focus.

If we dream of fish, or a fish, it means we are in need of more meditation.

Animals always represent parts of ourselves. A dog represents our masculine part, a cat is our feminine.

If you have bugs crawling all over you, you are letting little things bother you.

A rat gnawing away means ONE thing is gnawing away at you.

A tidal wave means we are going to get dumped emotionally. (laughter) Stop and see what you are doing and correct it. It's there for you to see what's happening in your life and your are to pay attention and change this!

Cars and houses in a dream always represent us. They are very common symbols. If you are upstairs in your house your dream is telling you about your creative/spiritual self, on ground level, it's telling us about our daily life, and the basement is sexual energy.

You will also want to note the color of the house. The Dream Book covers all the meanings of the colors.

If you dream you are in a car, you will want to see who is driving it. If you are sitting in the back seat or the passenger side it is telling you that you are on in control of your life.

If you are on a motorcycle, skateboard, bicycle or skis, it's telling you that you are out of balance; get in balance.

Anything flying, whether it's a plane, helicopter, UFO, whatever, it's talking about the spiritual creative part of yourself. If you are in a plane that crashes, you have just lost your energy. You cannot create and that's what it is telling you.

Anything on water has to do with the emotions. Stop and see if the water is clear or if it's quite. If there are a lot of waves it means you are up and down emotionally. It's telling you to stop, look around, and correct it.

With any reoccurring dream that people have, if they write down what they are going through in their life right now, they will see that every time they have the dream it's the same lesson. It's like god is saying, "Come on, you've done this before; look at it!"

Q: What do our nightmares tell us?
Betty: Nice dreams, which comprise the majority of our dreams, go in one ear and out the other and people think "Well, isn't that nice" and won't have a recall at all. When God wants to get your attention, he will scare the Hell out of you! (laughter) And Boy! When we wake up we will remember every single symbol. As you work them out you will realize that there is absolutely nothing negative in that dream. It's a very important positive message for you. Isn't it a shame God has to scare us to get us to look! (Laughter)

Q: How can we use our dreams for problem solving?
Betty: Here's what I do when I have a situation that I am not seeing with clarity. I will sit on the side of the bed and say, "O.K. God, I need some insight into this problem. I will have a dream that gives me insight, I will wake up and write the dream down, I will remember the dream." Most people who are working with dreams will ask a question at night and they will get their answer. Not only in one dream, but in three or four. They will all have the same information but presented in a little different way. That way you know it's coming right through. "Just ask and ye shall receive." That's what the Bible says. What they didn't say is, "If you don't ask, you don't get!" (laughter) Just formulate your question in your mind; I repeat it three times.

Q: What can you do if you are aware that you are dreaming in your dream?
Betty: O.K., Know it's a dream, ask for the highest teachings that can be granted and this will stop the dream and they will come through and give it to you direct, then you will be able to consciously bring it back and have a recall on it. That's the great exciting part!

Q: What if you become conscious inside the dream state and begin to manipulate your dream situation and circumstance?
Betty: People are trying to do this lucid dreaming stuff and I'll tell you something, we have freedom through our waking state to make choices and controls in our lives. In our dream state we are supposed to shut-up and let God show us where we're not seeing it! And if we are manipulating that dream state we are going against it. God thinks much bigger than we do! He can show us so clearly if we shut up and listen.

Q: What special meaning do colors and numbers have in dreams?
Betty: You always add the numbers up numerologically - they will give you a message. I have the meanings of numbers explained in my book. If there is a lot of greenery, trees, flowers in your dream; it means you are really growing. If you are in a desert, it's barren; it means no growth is happening in your life. It is very important to look for color. Everybody does dream in color even though they say "No, it's black and white." The more creative we are, the more colorful the dream will be.

Q: What does it mean if you are dreaming of a baby or of being pregnant in a dream?
Betty: If I am having a baby in my dream, it's a brand new part of myself coming into being that I've never known before. If I am pregnant, say six months, it means in three months a new beginning will happen.

Q: Could you tell us a little more about reoccurring dreams?
Betty: As I said before, you are going through the same lesson each time you have the reoccurring dream so if you can pick up what the lesson is - you know it's a rerun of what you have been doing all your life.

Dreams often come in three parts. The first part is giving you the timing for the lesson. If you are dreaming about the house you grew up in, or your grandmother's house, it means you have been running this same number on your self since this time.

The second part of the dream shows you what is happening around that lesson now.

The third part of the dream gives you the answer. So, if you can't recall anything, if you grab onto the end and at least get some symbols you can start putting it together. As people really wake up and hear that, "Hey! This is free help direct from God; don't turn your nose up at it!" I mean this is powerful help and it changes your life. If I could have had one tool as a child, I would have loved my Dream Book.

Q: What does it mean if you dream of a war or violence?
Betty: It means that there is a war going on within yourself. A lot of Viet Nam Vets think they are having flashbacks to Nam. It has nothing to do with that; it means right now, in your life, there is a war going on inside yourself. Get in there and resolve it. Make peace with it, correct it. It's a wonderful thing when you can understand that.

Q: What about other kinds of violence, like dogs biting, etc?
Betty: It means I am letting other people's aggression nip away at me and I am not standing up and being assertive.

Q: What does it mean to be nude in your dream?
Betty: That's a wonderful symbol because it means you're not phony; what people see is what they get. Clothes are always symbols of the roles we play. So if I am nude it is saying , "Hey, this is me!" we all love people, are drawn to people who are straight-forward and up-front, because we know where we stand. Most people play roles because they are afraid you won't like them if they don't. (laughter)

Q: Why is that that people sometimes fly in the dream state?
Betty: At night we are all out of the body and we do fly, we don't walk on the other side. And another thing, if you notice, you never open your mouth to talk to anyone else; communication is telepathic.

A key thing to emphasize is at night we all go out of the body, we are in school; we are taught and trained. When we come back in and we dream of falling, its a bad landing.

When you wake up in the middle of the night and you can't move your body or yell (this terrorizes elderly people, because they think they have had a stroke) it's because you are out of the body. At Stanford Sleep Center they say people are paralyzed. I guess you are paralyzed -- you are out of your body! When you hop back into your earth suit, you can move it.

When we leave our bodies we leave feet first going out through the crown chakra and come back the same way. When you can't move, you think you are in the body but you are not. THINK yourself back through your feet and you can move or yell or whatever.

Q: What is the significance of dreams where you see something happen before it occurs?
Betty: This is God's way of letting you know that you have all the answers. Left to ourselves, we will rationalize and intellectualize that we can't possible know the future.

So when we have a precognitive dream it's as if God says, "Explain this one away if you're so smart! Go inside and learn what else you can find out!" All the wisdom in the world is within us. God was smart! People have gone to the tops of the mountains and the traveled the depths of the oceans; what better place to hide truth than within Man! He would never think to look in himself. (laughter) When we go within, all answers are shown.

Nobody can stimulate and entertain audiences like Betty does. Her gutsy, down-to-earth teachings give people a real jolt of energy.

To learn more about The Dream Book, please go to the Books and Tapes page.

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Dreams and the Symbols for Self-Understanding
by Charles Rubin
Dreams are an important and often overlooked source of information as to what is going on in our lives. Each dream is a nightly report card on how we're handling our waking hours. That's because every time we drift off into the sleep state, we are temporarily vacating our earthsuits, in order to retrieve valuable information from our guidance. Say you dream of winning the academy award and an audience of 10,000 people rise from their seats to applaud you. That would translate into something like: "Hey, you've been doing a fabulous job during this 24-hour period here on Earth." Conversely, if the next night you find yourself plunging into the center of the earth, it's like: "Oops, screwed up somewhere". If you're swimming in turbulent waters, you are smack in the middle of an emotional crisis. Cars in your dream are you. If you're driving, you're in charge of your life. If you're a passenger, you aren't. A house is you. Look to see if it's a mansion or a little rundown hut. The grander the house, the more powerful you are.

Dream symbols are both simple and complex. They're simple if you look at them in the common-sense way, and complex because you are apt to misunderstand what you are dreaming. Example: Say you are a woman who is dreaming that your husband is having an affair with a glamorous desperate housewife. You might wake up and yell into the ear of that snoring no-good husband of yours, and demand a divorce. What you are failing to understand is that you were not dreaming of your husband being unfaithful, you were dreaming of you, as you are all the characters in your dream (unless the character is someone who died or a celebrity--and more of that later). Sex dreams are common. If you dream you are making love to someone of the opposite sex or even the same sex, it has nothing whatever to do with sex. It's merely that you are merging with the feminine creative or masculine sides of yourself. In my field as a dreamologist, I find that there are many women who need to take on a more assertive role in their relationships and jobs. And many left-brain men who need to take up something moreright brain and creative. Flower arranging anyone?

Dream symbols are what they seem. If you dream you are having a baby, then that is a new part of yourself emerging. If you dream you are being killed, you are killing off some part of yourself that is no longer useful to you.

Bathroom dreams are also common. Sitting on a toilet in Macy's window while in the nude is simply telling you that you are daring to be you, letting go, and are not a phony. Feel a bit self-conscious sitting there letting go in public? What is it you're hiding?

One of the most enjoyable dream symbols is that of flying. Just shows you are soaring. Any time you are going downward, you are going in the wrong direction (again just for that 24 hours). There are many people who believe they never dream. Impossible. They, like everybody else dream, only they tend to sleep too soundly to be able to access their dreams for wakeful interpretation. The best method of changing that pattern and belief is to conduct a nightly ritual. By simply sitting on the side of the bed before going to sleep and saying "I will have a dream tonight and I will remember it and I will write it down as soon as I wake up in the morning". This practice tells your computer brain that you are starting a new regime and in time you will remember your dreams even if you sleep like the dead. Have a yellow legal pad and pen and a copy of Betty Bethard's "The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-Understanding" on your bedside table.

Speaking of sleeping like the dead, the only thing that prevents us from actually dying in our sleep is a thin silver cord. It's our lifeline, so to speak, and each night our souls travel out of our bodies and later it's what reels us back in again. Sometimes in a nightmare state (a dream trying to get our attention) we'll try to wake up, but find that we're paralyzed, powerless to awaken, which is true. When in REM sleep, we haven't yet returned from "out there" to our vehicle (body) and are in a state of paralysis which may make us panic. Older people mistake this for a stroke, which it is not, but they are sometimes also offered the option of "staying out" which affords them the luxury of not awakening--a lovely way to go. I'm not exactly elderly but I've had the "option to go" dream. It is very peaceful and tempting. Incidentally, that silver cord is the same exact one that eventually severs when we so-called die--except that there is no death--we're merely going home for that period of 160-200 years before reincarnating (unless we're in our 23rd and final semester--or lifetime--at the University of Earth). Remember, there was never a time when we weren't here and there will never be a time when we're not here. Twenty-three semesters or lifetimes on earth is just an educational aid.

Numbers pay a big part in deciphering what our dreams mean. Consider a dream in which you are in Texas. Just add up the letters/numbers and you'll get a message. A=1 (new beginnings), B=2 (balance masculine assertive, feminine creative, C=3 (balance body, mind, spirit), D=4 (one to one relationship), E=5 (change), F=6 (spiritual/codependency, G=7 balance of the seven chakras, going within, luck, mysticism, H=8 money, power, prestige, cosmic consciousness, I=9 completion, J=1, K=2, L=3, M=4, N=5, ... , Z=8. So, therefore, "Texas" totals 15 which equals 6. This is the number of spiritual consciousness--and uh, oh: Codependency. So be loving and spiritual, but let others benefit from their own tests and lessons.

Just days before my darling wife, Betty Bethards, the author of "The Dream Book" and the person who brought all of the above information on dreams to the public arena--with the help of Dr. Jung--went "home", I dreamed of four 10's. I commented to Betty upon awakening- "Hey, I just dreamed of four 10s" and she said automatically "New beginnings with experience."

I haven't mentioned the number 10 with the other numbers; it's a kind of special number reserved for old souls and it means: New beginnings with experience. Little did Betty or I realized the full extent of this stark dream message that in less than a week both our lives would be changed forever, that she would be graduating and that I would be thrust into a traumatic existence of dealing with the Inner Light Foundation, the foundation that Betty had founded in 1969, on my own, without her. With the fact that there were four 10's, I also (later, after Betty's departure when the impact of the dream hit me) factored in the 4: the one to one relationship, which showed there would be an earthly end to our time together due to the new beginnings for both of us. Through the "experience" promised in the number 10, I have survived in order to keep Betty's brilliant light shining. That's because I'm an old soul who'd been prepared for this situation in some other lifetime.

I earlier touched on the visitations in our dreams of people who have passed over or who are celebrities. In the former case, those are actual visitations--our loved ones just "dropping in" to tell us that everything is great and not to worry. I often dream of Betty--and after a very long time after she left, I removed her pillows from our bed as I didn't need a Mt. Everest of pillows all piled up. That night, Betty visited me wanting to know where her pillows were. I then realized she'd been visiting me all along during this most devastating time. Needless to say, the pillows are back.

Now about celebrities such as Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt visiting you--you might even find yourself uttering "I must be dreaming" in total surprise. They represent your guidance. And what if you have the entire cast of The Sopranos giving you some advice? Maybe you'd better listen carefully to what they have to say. Other times, guidance will appear with blurred faces. Even without facial expressions, you'll know whether they're pleased with you or not. Better listen to them as well.

All dreams are positive. Everything in the universe is positive. It may not seem that way, but it is that way. Dreams are there to guide you and give you comfort. If you don't use them and understand what they are saying through the symbols, you are shunning free spiritual help. People, from the beginning of time have worked with their dreams. The Aborigines of Australia discuss dreams with their families and friends every morning. The word "dream" pops up in popular sic--sometimes every other word. The idea of dreams implies hope, new beginnings, joy, peace. A person wouldn't ignore the use of an arm, a leg, a brain, but somehow the use of dreams, a tool for living a more complete life, a tool that keeps us on the straight and narrow, is often neglected.

You are what you dream. To make the most of your journey here on earth, decipher what the symbols mean for you and you will create a higher level of consciousness. It's fun, too.

Charles Rubin is a noted dreamologist, numerologist, channel, author and lecturer. His late wife, Betty Bethards, was the author of "The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-Understanding" which Charles publishes and uses during his frequent radio call-in shows.

Betty Bethards Interview speaking on her work
and her Death Experience.
by Rachelle Beneviste

My work is to give men and women the simple tools to enlightenment and the encouragement to go for it. They look at me and think, "If she can do it, I can do it," says Betty Bethards, well-known mystic, spiritual leader, and meditation teacher. Founder and president of the Inner Light Foundation in Petaluma, California. Betty's new (and eighth) book, The Dream book, Symbols for self Understanding has recently been released with 650 more dream symbols.

Affectionately called "the common sense guru," Bethards exudes warmth, humor and wisdom. One feels embraced by her love and compassion; her conversation is filled with endearments, like "Honey, you've got to be aware of your energy around different people. You want to feel uplifted, not drained."

Bethards has been sharing her spiritual knowledge for 28 years through her books , lectures, and audiocassettes, mainly in northern California. Focusing on dreams, meditation, affirmations and visualization as tools for self-knowledge, she also shares her exuberance for life, her own death and rebirth experience which opened her to the life she now lives and teaches, and her belief that one need not suffer to remove the husk of habit. She encourages awareness of our inner guru who knows the answers to all the questions of our life, if we just listen.

"If I'm suffering," Bethards says, "boy, am I doing something wrong. Get up into that thirds eye and see your experience as God sees it and say, "Wow, how did I set that up? What were my positive lessons? What do I need to do to change it?" Still she acknowledges that it is usualy a traumatic life experience that awakens one to ask the big questions, like Who am I? Why am I here? What is the meaning and purpose of my life? "We suffer through ignorance, " she says. "If we know, we don't have to suffer like that again."

And one of the most important tools for understanding yourself, Bethards tells us, "is your dreams. If there were one tool I wished I'd had as a child, I wish it had been the dream book. It would have changed my life. Dreams are your direct link to God, higher self, or guidance. They provide a door to the subconscious mind, for insight, problem solving, and teachings from the other side.

As expressed in Bethards' Dream book, "The only difference in the death state and the dream state is that the silver cord, which is much like an umbilical cord connecting the soul with the body, is severed in death. This cord allows the spirit to travel in realms and planes beyond the physical at night, and to receive higher teachings. As you go to sleep at night and your consciousness leaves the physical body, you are experiencing the same thing as death. As you gain more control of the dream state you will realize that there is no such thing called death, only a change of awareness."

I tell her that one of my earliest memories is of a nightmare, when I was no more than three. After all these years, I tell her, I can still see it. "sure," she explains, "we rarely forget nightmares. Our 'good' dreams may go in one ear and out the other, but nightmares we don't forget. They are always from God. There's nothing scary in them. In fact, all dreams are positive; they all have something to teach us. If you're terrified in a dream, you are going to remember every detail. That's when your teachers are trying to get your attention. If you work it out symbolically, you realize it's an important message."

She pursues my early nightmare. "There were two older people behind me," I say. "I was probably in my cradle. I just remember this fear. I called out to my parents. They ignored me and inside of myself, I realized I would have to take care of myself."

"They were your guides," Betty tells me. "Older people in dreams are always wise ones. But of course you didn't know that."

I reflect on the possibility that those guides were always there with me, when my parents could not be. How else did I get through those harsh and painful times? Did the guides represent an inner strength I was not really conscious of until recent years?

"I tell children when they dream of monsters to imagine opening up the monster and finding a cookie monster or some other little being. Children often come up to me and tell me their dreams. They aren't afraid of them," Bethards says.

"In dreams, monsters symbolize fears of your own making allowed to grow out of proportion through undue worry and lack of attention. It is but an illusion in your mind. Make an effort to confront the fear, the monsters; what part of you it represents, what thought, belief or fear. See the monster as a friend that has something to teach you, to give you an insight. Remember, all aspects of the dream are you."

She elaborates on the latter, "People in dreams usually represent qualities within yourself. Male and female figures represent masculine and feminine energies within you. A child represents your child part, an aged person an old part of yourself. A house building or structure is you. If it is large, it represents great potential and awareness of opportunities and/or inner resources."

Bethards' book contains over 1650 symbols to help the reader to decipher the code; as Bethards says, "the lessons we are learning at night." Where did these symbols come from?

"I would channel dream symbols for people," she explained. Everybody was asking for a dream book. The only one I found was too Freudian. So I spoke to GOD. I said, "Look, God, I need for you to give me real clear symbols." I sad down with a psychologist friend and let myself enter into a trance. She went through the dictionary and picked out symbols and I translated them. We tested them. For six months I spoke to audiences and ran these symbols by them. And they rang true. My book is also out in Japan, Brazil, and England. These symbols cross over different cultures."

Bethards points out that it is not necessary to accept her philosophy presented in her book. "You are your own final word in dream interpretations, as in every other phase of living, be your own guru."

How did Betty Bethards become a healer, spiritual leader, driven to share her mystical knowledge? One night, when she was 32 years old, she woke up and felt herself floating horizontally above her bed. "I heard a man's voice," she said, "telling me I was sick with pneumonia and to see a doctor. I told my then husband and he said, 'You'll be okay in the morning, honey.'"

"This experience was new and scary. It did not fit into anything I understood. I had been raised as a strict Baptist. But even as a child I knew there was something beyond what I was being taught. One thing was that we would be buried when we were dead and there was no life after that. I always hated the idea of laying in the ground.

"After my death and rebirth experience, I realized there was no death. I felt liberated. Following the experience of hearing a voice say I had pneumonia, I went to the doctor. I didn't have a fever. He wouldn't take a X-ray, and he told me I was hallucinating. I'd never taken drugs or alcohol. I was not hallucinating.

"In that out-of-body experience, I remembered a man reaching down and grabbing me and I reached up and grabbed my self and pulled it back into my body. Later I was sitting on the couch and about 25 feet in front of me, I heard the same voice say, 'You don't have to go back. But you must have antibiotics within 24 hours if you want to stay here.'

"They ran my three children by me and I said, "They'll be fine.' Then they ran the fourth child by me which was just 18 months old and I said, 'I have to go back." Instantly I was back in my body.

"Then I knew that death does not exist. Eventually, I did get a doctor to prescribe antibiotics. It took a lot of convincing to get a doctor to even take a chest X-ray, but he did, and he said pneumonia had started.

"Within two years," Bethards continues, "they began teaching me. What they were telling me was very simple. I thought, it can't be that simple."

When I ask who the "they" were, she says, "My guides. They have no names or egos." And then, "Joan of Arc said 'they' too."

She tells me her guides told her that thoughts, words and actions create our own reality. "They said to observe other people. I began to observe others carefully and could see how their attitudes trapped them. Then I knew I was doing it to me. And that's when my whole life changed.

"I continued to learn. I'm just a pipe and it comes through me. I learned about the 4th dimension. This is why you've seen people who have died; they haven't gone anywhere, they're just in the 4th dimension. We have to learn our lessons here in the body. We choose our parents, the time and date of our birth, and the lessons of the first 28 years. When we understand this then we realize that we can't blame anyone. Then we can love all people, knowing they have no power over us unless we give it to them. We have to learn to make good choices; that's the whole key.

"When I learned there was no death, I asked myself, 'What are you doing here, Betty? You're not here just to raise your kids or just to make a living. What are you doing here?" And of course I knew it was to know myself. Jesus said, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within; go within and you'll know God.' He meant 'shut up and listen.' It's all within us. I cancel out all negative thoughts, words and actions. You learn if someone is hurting you to say, 'boy, that hurts.' It doesn't matter if they hear you or not. You just don't want to stuff it inside of yourself."

Finally I ask her about what I have been perceiving during these times. "This is not a trend," I say.

"It's not a new age fad," she tells me. "Something is happening on this planet. So many of us are having experiences coming from another dimension. We are becoming aware that there is an order beneath the seeming random chaos of life; that we can be fully alive and aware and not dependent on the pop culture world that speaks to us in the media, films and popular magazines. For in these seeming reflections of our lives, we see the lives people live, including violence, lack of morality, and a focus on improving ourselves which suggest we are flawed; and if we are flawed, we feel trapped.

"But by finding our way, inventing and creating our lives, finding the answers within, we can find a way out of the prison of the world of habit, and be empowered, rather than victimized. God is saying that it hasn't been working the way things have been, so a lot of us are waking up at the same time. We're seeing beyond illusions to a life that is much more conscious, more expansive, and freer than we ever imagined."

Rachelle Beneviste is a poet, writer and all around wonderful spirit.

Nobody can stimulate and entertain audiences like Betty does. Her gutsy, down-to-earth teachings give people a real jolt of energy.

To order "There Is No Death", please go to the Books and Tapes page.

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