The teachings of Betty Bethards overflow with wisdom not readily available elsewhere. Infused with an extraordinary energy and charisma (Betty’s theme line for lectures, “Come to a Betty Bethards lecture, fly home,” explains that energy) and as a practitioner in the field of current human interactions and thought, Betty has introduced many innovative techniques that propel us toward greater happiness, peace of mind, confidence, and love for oneself and others.
But what is truly unique about Betty? Perhaps it’s her common sense approach to living on the earth plane. Known as the “Common Sense Guru,” Betty has shown, through her books, lectures (available via download) and past personal one-on-one sessions with clients, a simpler, more satisfying way of creating joy on one’s journey.
Many of you know the history of the Inner Light Foundation and how it was founded by Betty Bethards in 1969. For newcomers, you’ll be interested to discover this nonprofit, spiritual organization, now run by Betty’s husband, numerologist Charles Rubin, and a number of dedicated volunteers such as Barbara Cohn, Rafael Ramirez, Cindy Reynolds and Victor Martinez.
Betty, who has sadly left us, isn’t very far away as her teachings continue to inspire new generations. She was a renowned mystic who not only shared her gifts, but lived by them. She was a well-known author, teacher, and someone known by two labels: The Down-to-Earth Guru, and The Common-Sense Guru. Her charisma ignited the energy flow of any audience which is why her theme line was: Come to a Betty Bethards lecture, fly home.
Speaking of Gurus, Betty, as a teacher of teachers, wished for everyone to be their own gurus, to take her teachings and run with them rather than regard her as a crutch. All her writings and teachings were based on this principle. And as her mission as a teacher of teachers, she inspired many thousands of people, including some highly esteemed spiritual leaders in India who, astounded by her vast knowledge, asked her how she knew what she knew.
When leaving the planet, Betty, who’d had a death experience years before, knew there was no death and commented that she was excited about her new adventure. But she didn’t just go merrily on her own way and forget us. On each anniversary of her so-called death, the office phone rings off the hook with people saying they know Betty is in their midsts. This is quite amazing since many of these people don’t always realize it’s an anniversary.
Charles, Betty’s husband, has lots of contact with her, having heard her voice loud and clear five times including the first time when he was in deep grief and she said “knock it off!” Which he immediately did. She often visits him in dreams and there isn’t a time when he is loading the dishwasher when he can almost hear her say “that dish doesn’t go there and you can’t lump all the knives and forks together like that.”
In many ways, Betty still runs the organization. Everything is still done the way she did it—all procedures are “Betty” approved.
Today, the Inner Light Foundation offers a number of services and products. To begin with there are Betty’s many life-changing books and Downloads (listed in detail under Books and Downloads) that are blueprints for your life. Simple, practical and insightful, you will want to refer to these items often. For instance, devotees to Betty’s “The Dream Book” will not go to sleep without a copy of it on their bedside tables.
Equally illuminating and helpful are Charles’ numerologist and channeling readings that provide the data on your journeys here on the earth plane. Through deciphering your own personal numbers, Charles outlines the work you are determined to complete. Numbers never lie, and combined with channeling, you get a totally accurate picture of how important you are to the cosmos and to the universal soul within you.
On Fridays, we meet, study, discuss, laugh, and appreciate Betty’s wisdom. We go through her many books and relate her teachings to our own lives and lessons. These are joyous get-togethers on a weekly basis that support us on our various paths and growth patterns. Each week offers a new and fresh insight into the adventure of living. As we like to say at the Inner Light Foundation, Betty gave us all so much. And still does! For more reading up on Betty (and Charles) please go to “Betty Articles” on the home page.
Betty, who left us in 2002, was a renowned mystic who not only shared her gifts, but lived by them. She was an author, lecturer, teacher, and someone known as the "Common Sense Guru."
Her teachings came with one proviso; That people would regard her merely as a teacher and not a crutch, and that they would take her teachings and run with them. Her mission was that everyone be their own guru.
As such, she was a teacher of teachers and over the years, an inspiration for thousands of people all over the world. She even inspired well-known spiritual leaders in India who asked her how she knew what she knew. If you google Betty, you will see for yourself, how her teachings have had, and continue to have a profound influence on others.
Betty's energy, charisma, and sense of humor were huge. She would stand on a stage and literally ignite each person in the audience so that they thought they were flying. Hence, Betty's theme line: Come to a Betty Bethards event. Fly home! People still fly through Betty's books and tapes. Her "The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding" is an international bestseller. Her "Seven Steps to Developing Your Intuitive Powers" is widely used by spiritual groups around the world.
And as we like to say at the Inner Light Foundation: Betty Bethards gave us all so much, And still does!
** a Non-Profit organization
To help keep Betty's work going, please consider joining the ILF. Or, if a member, please consider renewing.
The ILF thanks you. And to show our gratitude, we offer you the following gifts.
Donation Level
- Your Gift $25 A Copy of Way to Awareness
- $50 A CD of Your Choice
- $100 A Book of Your Choice
- $500 A Channeled Numerology Reading with Charles
- $1,000 All of the Above
Inner Light Foundation · PO Box 750265 · Petaluma, CA 94975 · 707-338-3613
© Copyright The Inner Light Foundation 2020. All rights reserved.
© Copyright The Inner Light Foundation 2020. All rights reserved.